Why Challenging the Status Quo is Important
Everyone has the chance to choose their battles and mindset. But it…
How to Solve Big Problems by Bill Gates
Most people encounter new problems every day but not all are inclined…
7 Motivational Quotes from Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh
With all the difficulties in life, sources of inspiration sparks joy and…
The rise of modern populism by Takis S. Pappas
In many democratic countries, charismatic leaders vilify political opponents, disparage institutions, and…
Pursuing Purpose: 5 Strategies for Business Leaders
In business, people look up to CEOs who pursue purpose over profit.…
How Managers Should Support Their Employees
Today’s pandemic breeds anxiety and fear to people. A recent conducted study…
Growth Opportunity Advice from Jeff Bezos
No matter what industry you are in, whether you are working in…
Why Modern CEOs Deviate Traditional Management
Today’s CEOs prefer to deviate from implementing traditional management. Most of them…
Simon Sinek: Check your people during a crisis
Simon Sinek, an author of "Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, and…
The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek
Many people are being stretched thinner because they joggle a lot of…